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Your Feeds in Mastodon

MastoFeed is the easiest way to automate sending your RSS content to your Mastodon account, but it works with almost any other type of Fediverse software.

Super easy

It works with every instance. It takes just a few seconds to set up your feeds, and you don't need technical expertise at all.


Add your feeds and you're done. MastoFeed will check it periodically to send your content.

Frequenly Asked Questions about MastofeedMastoFeed


MastoFeed does not use, employ or apply any kind of external analytics, advertising or profiling services.

MastoFeed does not request, ask, has access or store your Mastodon account password, your email address, your IP address, location or anything related.

If you sign up with MastoFeed to your Mastodon server, said server will grant Mastofeed a private key for MastoFeed to post on your account. This uses the OAuth 2.0 Protocol.

MastoFeed only asks for the following permissions: Read-only access to your account (to get your username), write-only access to your posts (to send public messages on behalf of your account), and write-only access for media attachments (to include pictures in the messages if necessary).

MastoFeed can not access, read, request, edit or delete your public posts, direct messages, lists of users you follow, lists of users are following you, your account details or settings.

MastoFeed has internal access to the actual URLs of the RSS feeds, and the content they publicly display.

MastoFeed will not publicly disclose any information tied to any Mastodon account that uses MastoFeed. This includes the username and server of that account, the URL of the RSS feeds, or any content send

When you delete the MastoFeed credentials for your associated Mastodon account, MastoFeed deletes everything related to the account from the database. This includes your username, server domain name, and the URLs of the feeds you added.

When you delete the URL of a RSS Feed in MastoFeed, MastoFeed will delete everything related to that RSS Feed and Mastodon account from the MastoFeed database.

MastoFeed will not delete, and can not delete, any content in your associated Mastodon account.

MastoFeed is hosted in Germany at a Linode server. It abides by German and European Union laws.

MastoFeed uses SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt.

MastoFeed does not alter the links in any way. It does not add tracking.


MastoFeed is free of charge.

MastoFeed reserves the right to refuse connections to any domain or IP deemed dangerous or unsafe for technical and legal reasons. This applies both to the RSS feeds and the Mastodon instances.

MastoFeed will not fetch content from any RSS Feed after the most recent item has a date older than 365 days. It will flag it as inactive, but the owner could reactivate it again when there are new items.

MastoFeed will not fetch or send content that is dangerous, unlawful or unsafe.

MastoFeed will respect and abide by robots.txt rules specified in the domain where the RSS Feed is located.

MastoFeed will send all requests with the user agent " fetch bot;".

MastoFeed allows to run 50 different feeds.

In the absence of any rules regarding automated access, MastoFeed will send as few requests as possible to the servers hosting the RSS Feeds and the Mastodon instance.

MastoFeed will not work with RSS Feeds which can not be accessed from Germany or the European Union over an open Internet access. This includes corporate networks, personal or private networks, firewalled networks of any kind.

All content sent to your Mastodon account from MastoFeed will be marked by the Mastodon server as sent from MastoFeed.


MastoFeed was created in 2022 by Álex Barredo. You can get in touch at or or via email

Please send any feature requests, found bugs or any type of comment.

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Publish RSS Feeds to Mastodon for free with MastofeedMastoFeed


Sharing Your Content on Mastodon is Crucial for Growing Your Audience in the Fediverse

Mastodon isn’t just another social network. It’s a gateway to the fediverse, a decentralized network of interconnected platforms that foster open, community-driven interaction.

If you’re a creator, blogger, podcaster, or journalist, the fediverse offers a unique opportunity to expand your audience and engage with readers in ways that traditional platforms simply can’t match.

Let’s explore why sharing your content on Mastodon is a game-changer for building your audience and readership.


Reach a Highly Engaged, Niche Audience

Mastodon users are passionate, curious, and often deeply invested in the topics they follow. Unlike the algorithm-driven nature of mainstream social media, Mastodon’s open structure allows users to discover content organically, fostering genuine interest and interaction.

Sharing your content here helps you connect with millions of users across endless communities that care about what you’re creating, increasing the chances of meaningful engagement.


Break Free from Algorithms

On traditional social platforms, algorithms dictate who sees your content. The fediverse operates differently—there’s no central algorithm controlling visibility. This levels the playing field, allowing creators of all sizes to gain visibility based on relevance and quality rather than ad spend or follower count.

By sharing consistently on Mastodon, your content can reach people who might never find you on mainstream platforms.


Tap into the Decentralized Nature of the Fediverse

The fediverse isn’t just Mastodon. It’s a collection of decentralized platforms that communicate with each other—Peertube for videos, Pixelfed for images, Funkwhale for audio, and more.

Sharing your content on Mastodon doesn’t just increase your visibility on one platform; it introduces your work to the broader fediverse, expanding your potential audience across multiple platforms.


Foster Authentic Community Connections

Mastodon’s decentralized, community-focused approach encourages authentic connections. Instead of broadcasting to a faceless crowd, you’re engaging directly with real people who value transparency, open communication, and meaningful dialogue.

These connections often lead to more loyal readers, listeners, or viewers who will support and share your content within their own networks.


Enhance Your Brand’s Visibility and Credibility

As an early adopter of Mastodon and the fediverse, you position yourself as a forward-thinking, community-oriented creator. This can enhance your brand’s credibility and visibility, especially among tech-savvy and privacy-conscious users who are increasingly wary of traditional social media giants.


Boost Your SEO Through Federation

The fediverse thrives on open sharing and mutual support. By contributing your content, you’re participating in a decentralized, user-driven ecosystem that rewards collaboration and organic growth.

Every post, share, and interaction contributes to a broader network effect, helping you grow your audience naturally over time.

Give it a try!

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